Save the Manumea

Manumea Music Video
The Manumea is the national bird of Samoa but there may now be only 150 left in the wild. The last confirmed sighting of a Manumea was in Savai’i in August, 2020.
The Manumea is a key symbol of Samoa's natural heritage and it also helps to protect communities from the impacts of climate change. As a tooth-billed pigeon it uses its large beak to feed on large native seeds that cannot be eaten by other birds. By doing this, it acts as a crucial seed disperser, naturally restoring the native forest.
Despite a national ban on the hunting of all native flying species, the Manumea is now under serious threat of extinction. Several key communities are now mobilizing efforts to Save the Manumea before it is too late.
One of the main threats to the Manumea is from hunting another bird, the Lupe. Villages like Uafato and Falease'ela have now banned the hunting of Lupe to try and protect the Manumea from extinction.
You can help to Save the Manumea by joining our national campaign to ban the hunting, trading and eating of Lupe. If enough people join the campaign we can show that there is a real commitment to Save the Manumea before it is too late.
To join the campaign please enter your details here and share with your friends:
Message from the Deputy Prime Minister
Buy a Ralph Steadman Print
For a poster that’s more rare than the Manumea itself, look no further than world famous artist, Ralph Steadman.
When we asked him to help with our ’Save the Manumea’ campaign, he kindly went straight to his drawing board and brought this precious bird to life in his own unmistakable style.
The proceeds from all 100 prints will be donated to help protect Samoa's critically endangered national icon.
Order your limited edition, signed print now and help us save the Manumea.

The Samoa Conservation Society (SCS) is working closely with the Government of Samoa and several key villages on this important campaign to "Save the Manumea" - the National Bird of Samoa.
The Manumea is listed as Critically Endangered by the World Conservation Union and is now considered to be in serious danger of extinction.
A juvenile Manumea was photographed in Savaii in December 2013 indicating that the species was still breeding at this time. The last confirmed sighting of a Manumea was in the Uafato forest on 4 August 2017.
Based on surveys run in 2012-2013 fewer than 50 individuals for each of the two main islands were estimated (Birdlife 2014). A review of the Manumea Recovery Plan 2006-2016 concluded that “there may not be another decade to save the national bird of Samoa”.
The new 10-year Manumea Recovery Plan (2020-2029) requires significant funding to support the recovery of the Manumea and to enable key communities to preserve and restore those forest areas where Manumea is still thought to exist.
The main objectives of the current campaign to Save the Manumea are to:​
1. Increase local actions needed to protect the Manumea including community awareness, local hunting bans, predator control, planting native species and increasing ecotourism opportunities in five target villages.
2. Reduce household consumption of Lupe (Pacific pigeon) by 25% by January 2021.
3. Ban the use of shotgun ammunition which is being used to hunt the Lupe and increase the risk of by-catch for the Manumea.

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE)

Auckland Zoo

April 21, 2020
The biggest bird-hunting day of the year in the island nation of Samoa, it turns out, is not a great day to start searching for one of the world’s...